What people are saying...
Preston Parks and Recreation
“As a staff member, it was awesome to see the kids who were nervous and had reservations of climbing up and conquering and overcoming their fears. The smiles on their faces of personal achievements and accomplishments were priceless! Program was fantastic! Couldn’t have asked for anything better!”
Gary, Congregational Church of Tolland
“Thank you so much! I am already getting "Thank You" emails from my kids/parents. We really enjoyed it.”
Dave Welch, Principal, Bennet Academy, Manchester, CT
“OUTSTANDING team-building professional development activity you conducted with your staff for my Bennet Academy teachers yesterday at Bennet Academy! This program has paved the way for my school to open with sincere hopes and aspirations by all and I know my staff will utilize what they learned yesterday for the betterment of their team and our school as a whole.”
Stan, OpenSky Corp
In response to the best part of the program: “Getting our organization to meet and interact/think as a team-overall concepts were great for our quarterly meeting...The day went very well; feedback from the group was very favorable. You may hear from us again next year!"
Cristina Gray, Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation Summer Program
“Our kids loved your program. They are still talking about it and have asked if they can do it again next summer.”
Maribel Sanchez, UConn Educational Talent Search Program
“I enjoyed the fact that the staff was very eager while working with my students, even given the fact that we were stuck in the rain! Overall, it was a great experience and we will return next year!”