1. This program is considered tentative until the contract and other paperwork (except for individual liability forms) are signed and returned with the deposit. Deposits are non-refundable.
2. If the deposit is not received by the due date, the program date will be released and available for other programs. The deposit will be applied to the total cost of the program.
3. If the client cancels the program within one week of the program date, the client will forfeit the amount equal to the Manchester Ropes Challenge Course total costs of running the program which includes costs of facilitators, materials and preparation. This may or may not be the total cost the client has paid.
4. Once the total payment has been received, the Manchester Ropes Challenge Course staff will send a confirmation to the client.
5. On the day of the program, ALL PARTICIPANTS must have their signed individual liability release forms. NO ONE MAY PARTICIPATE WITHOUT A SIGNED FORM.
6. Manchester Ropes Challenge Course programs run “rain or shine.” If severe weather is expected, the Manchester Ropes Challenge Course staff may decide to cancel a program. If this is the case, the Manchester Ropes Challenge Course staff will make every attempt to reschedule the program for another date. If a mutually agreed upon time can not be arranged, the deposit and any other payments will be refunded to the client.
7. The total cost of a program will not be decreased if the number of participants arriving is lower than the agreed upon number in the contract.
8. If a program must be ended early (more than two hours prior to the scheduled ending time of the program) due to circumstances compromising the safety of participants and/or staff during the day of the program (as determined by the Manchester Ropes Challenge Course staff), the client will receive a 50% refund of the total cost of the program.
9. Consumption of alcohol is prohibited on all Town property.
In conjunction with a request by the Director of Finance of the Town of Manchester, all fields and facility requests must be accompanied by an insurance certificate to the Town of Manchester prior to approval of that use.
All certificates must state on them the date of event, which facility is to be used and list the Town of Manchester as additional insured. Each certificate must be in the amount of $2,000,000 policy aggregate with a $1,000,000 per occurrence.